Agenda item

Full Application - Change of Use to 3 Open Market Dwellings at Hurst Water Treatment Plant, Derbyshire Level, Glossop


Members had visited the site prior to a planning committee meeting in November 2016.


The officer corrected the information given about new door openings on page 15 of the meeting pack. He said that there would be one on the front elevation, one on the gable end and two on the rear, not four on the rear.


The officer recommended that condition 5 should specify hedging rather than fencing and that a condition be added requiring full details of door and window design, including the obscure glazing, to be agreed prior to the commencement of works.


It was noted that the applicant had supplied evidence of the current building’s historic connections and significance, and that although the building was neither listed nor in a conservation area, it was possible that it might be added to the list of local assets.


Members felt that the amended design was acceptable and appropriate. More detail about obscure glazing on the south east gable was requested.


The recommendation was moved and seconded.


In response to Members’ questions, the officer confirmed that the contamination referred to in condition 7 was possible contamination from products like chlorine that may have been used on site in the water treatment process, not sewage.


The recommendation was put to the vote and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    Three-year time limit

2.    Development in accordance with the submitted plans

3.    Removal of permitted development rights for alterations and extensions

4.    Reduce the number of rooflights (twin units to become singles)

5.    Detailed landscaping scheme including hedge planting to be agreed

6.    Submit and agree precise details of obscure glazing to the south east gable

7.    Further contaminated land assessment to be undertaken and mitigation implemented where necessary

8.    Details of packaged sewage treatment plant to be confirmed

9.    Provision of bat boxes

10.  Highway conditions to secure site construction compound, parking and bin storage

11.  Submit and agree full details of door and window design, window design to retain the historic glazing pattern with no alteration to opening sizes and to provide the actual design of the means proposed to finish and obscure views of the internal first floor edge detail.



Supporting documents: