Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 10


All Members had received an email from Baslow Parish Council


Cllr A Hart & Cllr C Howe had received an email from Jane Newman re Woodland Working Group



Item 11


Cllr Carr, Cllr Birkinshaw, Cllr H Laws, Cllr A McCloy & Cllr C Howe had received correspondence from Mr Charles Evans


Cllr J Twigg had received an additional  letter from Mrs Howson, the applicant


Cllr P Brady had received a letter from a local resident.


Cllr P Brady declared a personal interest as he had a professional acquaintance with the Agent, Mr Yarwood, through the Edward’s Commission on National Parks.


Cllr K Potter & Cllr A Hart had both received documentation regarding the application.


Cllr K Potter said she had absented herself from Baslow Parish Council meeting when this matter was discussed. She did try to mediate with the Parish Clerk. The Parish Clerk is highly thought of by the Parish Council members and doesn’t procrastinate.