Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 6


It was noted that all Members knew Cllr Chris Furness, who had given notice to speak  as a member of the Authority.


Cllr Judith Twigg declared a personal interest as she had received emails relating to this application and knew the officers from Derbyshire Dales District Council who were speaking regarding this application.


Cllr David Chapman declared a personal interest as he had received emails relating to the application.


Item 8


Cllr Mrs Lesley Roberts declared a personal interest as she had received an email from Caroline Keightley relating to the application.


Cllr Andrew Hart declared a personal interest as he had received and email relating to the application.


Cllr Paul Ancell declared a personal interest as he had been made aware of the email from Caroline Keightley to Cllr Mrs Lesley Roberts


Item 9


Cllr Andrew McCloy declared a personal interest as he is a member of the Parish Council for Youlgrave. He stated he had an open mind on the application.


Item 11


Cllr Patrick Brady declared a personal interest as he knew the agent Jim Murphy who is an acquaintance but had not discussed this application with him.


Item 13


All Members declared personal interests as the application was made by the Peak District National Park Authority.