Agenda item

Minor Property Review


Comments had been received by email from Member Penny Anderson and were considered during the discussion of this item.


The committee considered the report setting out the proposal for the disposal of minor properties.  Clarification was sort for the term ‘Minor’ and if this was the best term to use to describe the properties listed, Officers explained this is a generic term which is the best collective name but not a reflection of the significance of the properties. 


Members sought assurance that a communications plan be put in place and that the properties would only be sold to those who would maintain them to the same standard as that set by the Authority. Officers confirmed that the prospective buyers would be carefully selected.


The Officer recommendation was moved.


Members sought clarification on the risk rating of the report and this was clarified as based on business and income implications.


Members discussed the properties where Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) had been obtained to make improvements and Officers confirmed the money from the HLF would need to be repaid if the property is sold.


The officer recommendation was seconded, put to the vote and carried subject to the stated amendments to the recommendations.




1.    That the decision-making and disposal regarding those properties with a low to medium risk, highlighted yellow in Appendix 1, including approval of any possible undervalue arising from a disposable process, be delegated to the Resource Management Meeting in consultation with the Head of Law, Corporate Property Officer and Chair and Vice Chair of Audit Resource & Performance Committee.


2.    That the high risk properties highlighted green in Appendix 1, are included in the Asset Management Plan Review.


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