Agenda item

Full Application - Loft Conversion Including Raising of Roof Height/New Dormer Windows At Lydgate Bungalow, Ashopton Road, Bamford.




Members had visited the site on the previous day.


It was noted that the applicant, Cllr J Walton, was a member of the Authority.


Members were reminded that a personal interest had been declared by Cllr C Howe and that she would abstain from voting and that Cllr D Chapman & Mr R Helliwell declared personal and prejudicial interests and left the meeting during consideration of this item.



This item had been deferred at the Planning Committee meeting in May 2017 to allow further discussion with the applicant on an amended scheme.


The Planning Officer reported an amendment to the report on Page 35 which should have read the ‘planning approval in 2001, which was for a replacement dwelling” rather than  “planning approval in 2001, which was tantamount to allowing a replacement dwelling”


The Planning Officer then highlighted changes to the application which, apart from the large patio doors, were considered to be more in keeping with the character of the local building tradition than previously.


The Officer recommendation to approve the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.





To  APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:


1.         Commence development within 3 years.


2.         Adopt amended plans, subject to minor design conditions covering materials, window and door details, etc.



Following this item the meeting was adjourned from 11:05am to 11:10am


Following the adjournment Cllr D Chapman and Mr Robert Helliwell returned to the meeting.




Supporting documents: