Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 6


Paul Ancell and Cllr Doug Birkinshaw declared a personal interest as Members of Authority and had attended meetings where the item had been discussed but had not taken part in those discussions and had not pre judged the application.


Cllr David Chapman declared a personal interest as a Member of the Authority and had attended meetings where the item had been discussed but had not taken part in those discussions and had not pre judged the application.


Cllr Lesley Roberts declared a personal interest as previous Chair of the Authority she had been involved in discussions about the item but had not pre judged the application.  Cllr Roberts had had a phone call from Dr Peter Owens regarding the item.


Cllr Andrew McCloy declared a prejudicial interest as previous Chair of Audit, Resource & Performance Committee he had taken part in discussions and voted on the proposal and it could be perceived that he had fixed his view on this. He was advised by the Head of Law that rather than a prejudicial interest Cllr McCloy could be perceived to have pre-determined the matter and therefore could remain in the meeting but could not speak or vote on the matter.


Cllr Andrew Hart, Cllr Kath Potter, Robert Helliwell, Cllr Chris Carr and Cllr Mike Chaplin all declared a personal interest as a Member of the Authority.


The majority of Members had received an email from the Friends of the Peak District.


Cllr Patrick Brady declared a personal interest as a Member of the Authority and had received an email from Friends of the Peak District including a copy of the letter that had been sent to the Authority in objection.  He had also received phone calls from Dr Peter Owens with his views and from the Parish Clerk regarding the Clerk’s intention to speak but no discussion regarding the application took place, the Clerk is also an acquaintance of Cllr Brady’s.  Cllr Brady is also acquainted with Mrs Angela Taylor (resident of Wormhill) and Mrs Margaret Taylor (Wormhill Parish Council Member) but had not discussed the item with them.  Cllr Brady had received an email from Mr Richard Ward, one of the objectors.   Cllr Brady is a member of the Parishes Forum which had previously asked for consultation on the application. Cllr Brady declared that he addressed the meeting of the ARP Committee as a member of the public. 


Cllr Caroline Howe declared a personal interest as a Member of the Authority and had received an email from Friends of the Peak District, a letter from Dr Peter Owens and a telephone message from Dr Owens.


Item 7

Paul Ancell and Cllr Doug Birkinshaw declared a personal interest as Members of Authority and had attended meetings where the item has been discussed but had not taken part in those discussions and had not pre judged the application


Cllr David Chapman declared a personal interest as a Member of Authority and had attended meetings where the item has been discussed but has not taken part in those discussions and had not pre judged the application


Cllr Lesley Roberts declared a personal interest as previous Chair of the Authority had been involved in discussions about the item but had not pre judged the application.


Cllr Andrew Hart declared a personal interest as a Member of the Authority and also as a Councillor of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council who were the leaseholders for the buildings at Manifold Valley.


All Members declared a personal interest as Members of the Authority for this item.


Item 8

The majority of Members had received an email from the agent


Item 12

Paul Ancell had received an email from the neighbour.


Cllr Kath Potter had spoken to Bakewell Town Council following receipt of the Committee Report and had received an email from them regarding this item.


Item 13

Cllr Patrick Brady is acquainted with the owner of 2 Church View as the owner is a member of Taddington Parish Council.