Agenda item

Development of Millers Dale Station (ES)


The Director of Commercial Development & Outreach and the Head of Visitor Experience Development were present to introduce the item and answer questions from Members. 


Head of Visitor Experience Development explained that it was proposed to develop the site in two phases as detailed in the report with the second phase dependant on external funding.  The Authority will invest a maximum of £370k in Phase 1.


Members raised the issue of stakeholder consultation which did  not  appear to have taken place.  The Director of Commercial Development & Outreach clarified that full consultation was not anticipated in relation to the Phase 1 element; the opportunity to provide feedback would available via the planning process. Full consultation would take place in relation to Phase 2 and would be an integral element of this element of the initiative.  Members noted that there is currently an issue with roadside parking.  An agreement has been reached with Derbyshire County Council to paint white lines under the viaduct to try and reduce this problem and it was hoped that the proposed increase in parking spaces would help.  There is the potential to increase interaction of Rangers with visitors to increase understanding of parking issues.


Members asked for clarification regarding the number of car parking spaces that would be created.  The Head of Visitor Experience Development explained that there would be an overall increase of 20% with 18-20 new spaces and some re organising of the current spaces which may also increase the number of spaces.


Members noted the need to preserve the building and its history.  It was confirmed that the plans did not increase the footprint of the current building and the refurbishment would be in keeping with the history as a railway station.


Phase 2 of the plans for Millers Dale Station will be presented to this committee in due course.


The Officer recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.     pproved borrowing of up to £370,000 to contribute to a capital project with a total value of up to £657,000 (Phase 1)

2.     In respect of urgent works identified through the site condition survey,  approved substitution of up to £130,000 of the borrowing referred to in Resolution 1, from either revenue resources or the capital fund, should funds become available as set out in paragraph 32 of the report.

3.     That the Authority may, subject to compliance with procurement standing orders, enter into contracts for the delivery of Phase 1

4.     Approved development of long term plans for Millers Dale Station (Phase 2)




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