Agenda item

Full Application - Construction of 30 affordable dwellings and associated works at Lady Manners School, Shutts Lane, Bakewell


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The planning officer introduced the report and noted an error on page 16 of the report as the planning application number should have read NP/DDD/0917/0934. 


The application had originally been for 36 properties but the number had been reduced due to the presence of a Churt Mine in the area.


Demolition of the pre-fabricated building on site had already been approved and it had been agreed that the environmental impact was not significant.


The site was situated outside the Bakewell development boundary but a survey to identify alternatives failed to find a suitable site other than one which the owner did not want to release for development.


The location of the Pretoria Churt Mine had archaeological implications as well as an impact on surface stability which had been taken into account during the planning application.


Following consultation with Sport England, regarding the loss of the playing field at the school, the developer agreed to make a contribution of £49,538 for the provision, off site, of alternative playing fields for Bakewell Mannerians Rugby Club instead of on the school grounds. The new playing fields have the benefit of planning permission already.


The Highways Authority has requested an additional condition regarding the detail and design of the turning head to avoid obstructing visibility.




The Planning officer explained that as the development was for more than 10 houses it could be classed as “major” development but that officers considered that the impacts of the development would not be so significant as to require the development to meet the major development test set out in the framework and in policy.  She also explained that the development had been screened and did not require an Environmental Impact Assessment.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-


·         Cllr Chris Furness, Authority Member – Supporter

·         Mr David Coe, Chair of Governors – Supporter

·         Ms Isabel Cogings, Rural Housing Enabler – Supporter

·         Mr Robert Cogings, head of Housing, Derbyshire Dales District Council – Supporter


Members requested that consideration be given to the provision of dustbins and whether the provision of community dustbins by the developer or Derbyshire District Council would be suitable.


Members congratulated the Planning Officers on the production of a good report and the work that had gone into the scheme.


The Officer recommendation to approve the application subject to conditions was moved and seconded.


Members had concerns regarding traffic on the roads around the site, particularly along Monyash Road and requested that the Highways Authority be asked to extend the 30mph speed limit in the area.  Other highways issues may be caused by the displacement of cars that use Shutts Lane during the school day as the creation of the access road would reduce the number of parking spaces on the road and the impact on the safety of pedestrians.


Members discussed the energy efficiency of the development which met Core Strategy Policy CC1 but did not include any energy generating additions to the buildings.  The developer did not have the funds to introduce energy generating equipment to the development as the additional costs would impact on the affordability of the development.


Members requested an update on the impact on badgers known to use the site as the previous ecology survey was now out of date.  Officers confirmed that a new survey would be completed and a replacement sett would be provided on land already identified.


Members requested that Condition 13 was re-worded as the meaning was not clear. 


Condition 18 was included because of the restricted space and the density of the development although the application has provided details for the siting of sheds.


The Planning Officer confirmed that the communal areas will be maintained by the Housing Association.


The officer recommendation to approve the application subject to changes to the conditions was put to the vote and carried.




To  To APPROVE the application subject to a section 106 agreement to secure a financial contribution of £49, 536.90 towards the provision of one rugby pitch on Shutts Lane (as approved under application ref NP/DDD/0617/0600) and to restrict occupancy to those with a local need and the following conditions:

1.    2 year time limit

2.    Adopt amended plans

3.    Submit and agree Written Scheme of Investigation for programme of archaeological work.  Thereafter development to take place only in accordance with agreed scheme. Site investigation and post investigation assessment to be completed and archive deposited before any of the dwellings first occupied.

4.     Updated badger survey and report to be submitted to the Authority detailing the findings of the survey together with detailed recommended mitigation and compensation measures as appropriate. Once agreed the mitigation and compensatory measures to be completed in full.

5.    The development hereby permitted shall not commence until drainage plans for the disposal of surface water and foul sewage have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is first brought into use.

6.    Construction management plan/method statement to be submitted and agreed.

7.    No development shall take place until an adequate temporary access for construction purposes has been provided to Shutts Lane in accordance with a scheme to be submitted and agreed.

8.    The dwellings the subject of the application shall not be occupied until a permanent estate street junction has been formed to Shutts Lane, located, laid out, constructed and provided with 2.4m by 47m visibility splays in either direction, all in accordance with the approved drawings, the area in advance of the sightlines being levelled, forming part of the new street constructed as footway and not forming part of any plot or other subdivision of the site.

9.    Within 28 days, (or other such period of time as may be greed with the National Park Authority) of the permanent access being constructed all other means of access to Shutts Lane (existing or temporary) shall be permanently closed and the existing vehicle crossover(s) reinstated with full height kerb and appropriate footway/verge construction in accordance with a scheme first submitted and approved in writing by the Authority.

10.  No development shall take place until construction details of the residential estate road and footways (including layout, levels, gradients, surfacing and means of surface water drainage) have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Authority.

11.  The carriageways and footways shall be constructed in accordance with the details approved under condition 10 above, up to and including the binder course surfacing, to ensure that each dwelling, prior to occupation, has a properly consolidated and surfaced carriageway and footway between the dwelling and the existing public highway.  Until the final surfacing is completed the footway binder course shall be provided in a manner to avoid any upstanding gullies, verges and other such obstruction within or abutting the footway.  The carriageways and footways in front of each dwelling shall be completed with final surface course within 12 months (or 3 months in the case of a shared surface road) from the occupation of such dwelling, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Authority.

12.  The dwellings, the subject of this application shall not be occupied until the estate street has been provided with suitable turning arrangements to enable service and delivery vehicles to turn, all as may be agreed in writing by the Authority.

13.  No house will be occupied until the relevant car parking space has been provided.

14.  All private and shared driveways and parking spaces within the site shall not be taken into use until provided with 2.4m x 25m visibility splays, the area in advance maintained free from any obstruction exceeding 1m (600mm if vegetation) relative to the adjacent carriageway channel level and 2m x 2m x 45 degrees pedestrian inter-visibility splays on either side of the access at the back of the footway, the splay area being maintained throughout the life of the development clear of any object greater than 0.6m in height relative to footway level.

15.  No gate, including any part of their opening arc shall be permitted to open out over the public highway limits. 

16.  Works shall not commence until a scheme for the disposal of highway surface water has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority.  The scheme shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to occupation of the dwellings and retained accordingly thereafter.

17.  Vehicle accesses shall be no steeper than 1 in 20 for the first 5 metres from the nearside highway boundary.

18.  Remove permitted development rights for alterations, extensions, outbuildings, gates, fences, walls and solar panels.

19.  Hard and soft landscaping scheme (including details of drystone walls) to be submitted and agreed in writing.

20.  No work on site shall take place on Sundays or Bank Holidays or before 8am nor after 6pm on weekdays and before 9am nor after 1pm on Saturdays unless otherwise agreed in writing.

21.  Sample panel of stonework including quoins and heads and cills to windows to be agreed.

22.  Sample of render and blue roof slates to be submitted and agreed in writing.

23.  Details of design and finish of windows and doors to be submitted and agreed in writing.

24.  Before work commences on the external sheds, details of their design and materials shall be submitted to an agreed in writing by the Authority. Thereafter the sheds shall be constructed in accordance with the agreed details before the dwellings are first occupied.

25.  Before any work commences on external lighting, lighting scheme to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the National Park Authority.

26.  No trees or hedgerows to be removed other than those referred to on the approved plans.  Trees to be retained to be protected in accordance with BS5837.

27.  Environmental Management plan to be fully implemented.

28.  Minor Design Details.

29.  Details and design of turning head to be agreed with Highways Authority, Derbyshire County Council to avoid obstruction of visibility.


The meeting was adjourned from 11.10 to 11.15am for a short break.



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