Agenda item

Full Application - Use of previously refurbished barn as holiday accommodation, construction of generator and battery house and laying out of parking//turning area at Eastsides Lane, Litton


Members had visited the site on the previous day


The planning officer introduced the application which is within a very sensitive landscape stating that officers considered the proposal to be a sensitive conversion and fits within the landscape.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-


1.    Mr Rob Smith, Agent - Supporter


Members discussed concerns regarding the report from the Cultural Heritage (Archaeology) Team which did not support the application.  The Planning Officer clarified that work had already been undertaken to repair the barn.  Although the Planning Officer agreed with the contents of the Archaeologists report regarding the value of the barn, they considered that the proposal would not impact on the exterior appearance sufficiently to refuse the application.


Members requested that the erection of fencing be added to condition 10 along with a condition to control use of outside buildings and garden. The Planning Officer stated that enforcing controls over garden furniture such as parasols would be difficult and therefore not suitable for a condition.


Members discussed their concerns regarding the use of a generator and the ecological implications.  The Planning Officer explained that a generator was proposed because the applicant considered a mains connection was too far away to be viable. 


Members requested the Condition 1 be changed to clearly state the length of the statutory time limit.


Members requested that the objection for Highways Authority also be considered.


The officer recommendation to approve the application was moved but not seconded.


A motion for refusal contrary to the officer recommendation, on grounds raised by the Authority’s Archaeologist, was moved and seconded.  The motion was voted upon and carried. Cllr Doug Birkinshaw requested that it was noted that he had abstained from voting.




To REFUSE the application for the following reasons:


a.    The introduction of a residential and domestic use into this agricultural site and landscape the comes with the introduction of a domestic curtilage, parking, provision of services, light pollution, septic tank, generator and its housing etc. would introduce elements that are out of place, incongruous and are harmful to this most important historic landscape. A further consideration is that the development is not on the road network of the village, but a green lane which is part of the medieval strip field system and which in the past simply would have provided agricultural access to the adjacent fields and Tansley Dale to the east.

b.    Taking in to account the context and setting of this development, it would harm the significance of the historic landscape character and setting of Litton village. This is because it will create a visual intrusion in to a relatively rare, intact, block of former medieval strip fields in an area which is recognised as making an important contribution to the Litton Conservation Area. In addition to this, the proposed use of a generator to power the scheme will result in aural intrusion and will negatively impact visitors and residents experience of this rare, special and important landscape.

c.    The development is therefore contrary to with the requirements of Local Development Framework.




Cllr Mrs Lesley Roberts returned to the meeting at 2.15pm and had not taken part in discussions on this item.




Supporting documents: