Agenda item

Report Of The Member Appointment Process Panel - Appointment Of Committee Chairs And Vice-Chairs, Annual Appointments To Committees, Sub-Committees, Panels and Advisory Groups, Member Representatives and Outside Bodies (A.111/ JS)


The meeting considered the report of the Member Appointments Process Panel and considered each of the appointments in the order set out in recommendations 2 to 13 in the report. In most cases the appointments were moved, seconded and approved in accordance with the expressions of interest in the report. Any changes to the report are identified below.


During consideration of the report, in accordance with Standing Order 1.12(4), it was agreed that all the remaining contested appointments be determined by a ballot.


Appointment of the Chair of Planning Committee


At the meeting Mr P Ancell was nominated and seconded for this role and Cllr D Birkinshaw withdrew his expression of interest. This resulted in Mr P Ancell and Cllr P Brady being nominated for the role. Following a ballot Mr P Ancell was appointed as Chair of the Committee.


Appointment of the Vice Chair of Audit Resources and Performance Committee


At the meeting Cllr C McLaren was nominated and seconded for this role. This resulted in Mr J Berresford, Cllr C McLaren and Cllr J Walton being nominated for the role. Following a ballot Mr J Berresford was appointed as Vice-Chair of the Committee.


Planning Committee and Audit Resources and Performance Committee


It was noted that the Authority had previously agreed that the Membership of both Standing Committees should be set at 15 and the Local Authority positions allocated according to the formula used in previous years. Following receipt of expressions of interest 15 Members had indicated that they wished to be appointed to Planning Committee and 13 Members wished to be appointed to Audit, Resources and Performance Committee. It was agreed that, in light of the three Secretary of State Vacancies, and in accordance with his expressions of interest, Cllr A McCloy would be appointed to both Committees leaving two Secretary of State vacancies on Audit Resources and Performance Committee.


Urgent Business Items Sub-Committee


As a result of earlier appointments to the Chair, Deputy Chair and Vice-Chair roles and the requirement of the Environment Act to maintain the balance of Local Authority and Secretary of State Members, Cllr J Walton and Cllr R Woods were appointed to the Sub-Committee.


Local Joint Committee


In addition to the expressions of interest set out in the report Cllr Birkinshaw and Cllr Chapman were appointed to the Committee as Local Authority Members with two Secretary of State places remaining vacant.


Appeals Panel


In light of the expressions of interest it was agreed that the size of the Panel be reduced to 7 Members (4 Council and 3 Secretary of State).


Due Diligence Panel


As Mr Z Hamid withdrew his expression of interest Cllr Mrs C Howe was appointed as a Member of the Panel with Mr J Berresford as her Deputy.


Development Plan Steering Group


It was agreed that, to maintain continuity, the 2017/18 Membership of the Group should be retained with the addition of Cllr M Chaplin.


Budget Monitoring Meeting


As Cllr A McCloy would attend these meetings as Chair of the Authority he withdrew his expression of interest and Cllr P Brady was appointed to attend.


Member Representatives


Food and Farming                             As Cllr J Perkins withdrew his expression of interest Mr R Helliwell was appointed.


Tourism and Participation                  As Cllr J Macrae withdrew his expression of interest Mr J Berresford was appointed.


Landscape and Heritage                    As Cllr J Perkins withdrew his expression Mr R Helliwell and Cllr B Lewis were nominated and seconded. Following a ballot Mr R Helliwell was appointed.


Member Learning & Development    As there had been no expressions of interest in this role Cllr P Brady and Cllr B Woods were nominated and seconded at the meeting and following a ballot Cllr B Woods was appointed.


Planning Enforcement                       As Cllr Mrs L Roberts withdrew her expression of interest Cllr D Chapman was appointed.


Appointments to Outside Bodies


Derby and Derbyshire Economic      As Cllr Mrs L Roberts withdrew her expression
Partnership Rural Forum                   of interest Cllr C Carr was appointed with Cllr P
                                                           Brady as his Deputy.


Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing      As Cllr Mrs L Roberts withdrew her expression
Board                                                 of interest Cllr J Perkins was appointed.



East Midlands Council                       Cllr J Atkin was appointed. As no expressions of interest had been received for his Deputy Members were asked for nominations at the meeting. Cllr C Furness was nominated, seconded and appointed as a Deputy.


Europarc                                            Cllr D Chapman was nominated, seconded and appointed to represent the Authority at the forthcoming conference.


Land Manager Forum                        Cllr D Chapman was appointed as Chair of the Forum with Cllr A McCloy as his Deputy. Mr R Helliwell and Mrs P Anderson were appointed as Members.


Moors for the Future Partnership      As Mr R Helliwell withdrew his expression of
Group                                                 interest, Cllr R Walker was appointed as a

Oldham and National Park                It was noted that in its current form this
Partnership                                         Partnership was not an outside body however
                                                           the Director of Conservation and Planning had
                                                           agreed to explore with Cllr C McLaren the
                                                           options for setting up a wider partnership for the
                                                           area involving a wider range of stakeholders and
                                                           bring a proposal back to a future meeting.


Marketing Peak District and              As Cllr C Furness and Cllr Mrs L Roberts
Derbyshire Local Authority                withdrew their expressions of interest Mr J
Investor Group                                   Berresford was appointed as the representative
Destination Management                   with Cllr J Atkin as his deputy.

Partnership Board                             


Peak District Local Access Forum    As Cllr J Perkins withdrew his expression of
                                                           interest Cllr J Walton was appointed.


Peak District Parishes Forum            Cllr A McCloy was appointed as the
Annual Liaison Meeting                      representative. Cllr D Chapman was appointed
                                                           as a Deputy following a ballot with Cllr J Perkins.


Sheffield City Region                         Cllr M Chaplin was nominated, seconded and appointed as Deputy.


South West Peal Landscape             At the meeting Mrs P Anderson withdrew her
Partnership                                         expression of interest. Cllr Mrs L Roberts was
                                                           appointed with Cllr J Macrae as her Deputy.




1.         To confirm the Authority’s previous decision to set the size of the two Standing Committees to 15, with 8 Local Authority Members and 7 Secretary of State Members and allocate Local Authority places on Planning Committee as set out in Section B(i) of Appendix 1.


2.         To appoint the following Members to the offices of Chair and Vice Chair of the Standing Committees until the Annual Meeting in July 2019:


            Planning Committee                                      Chair:                        Mr P Ancell

                                                                                     Vice Chair:    Cllr D Birkinshaw


            Audit Resources & Performance                 Chair              Mr Z Hamid

            Committee                                                      Vice Chair     Mr J Berresford


3.         To appoint Members to Planning Committee, and the Audit Resources and Performance Committee as set out below until the Annual Meeting in July 2019:


            Planning                                                          Audit Resources & Performance


            Chair: Mr P Ancell                                         Chair: Mr Z Hamid

            Vice Chair: Cllr D Birkinshaw                      Vice Chair: Mr J Berresford


            Cllr J Atkin                                                      Mrs P Anderson

            Cllr P Brady                                                    Mrs F Beatty

            Cllr C Carr                                                       Cllr A R Favell

            Cllr M Chaplin                                                Cllr C Furness

            Cllr D Chapman                                              Cllr Mrs C G Heath

            Cllr A Hart                                                       Cllr B Lewis

            Mr R Helliwell                                                 Cllr A McCloy

            Cllr Mrs C Howe                                             Cllr C McLaren

            Cllr H Laws                                                     Cllr J Perkins

            Cllr J Macrae                                                  Cllr R Walker

            Cllr A McCloy                                                 Cllr R Woods

            Cllr Mrs K Potter                                            2 Vacancies

            Cllr Mrs L Roberts                                        


4.         To appoint the following Members to the Urgent Business Items Sub-Committee until the Annual Meeting in July 2019:


            Chair and Deputy Chair of the                     Cllr A McCloy

            Authority                                                         Cllr D Chapman


            Chair and Vice Chair of Planning                Mr P Ancell

            Committee                                                      Cllr D Birkinshaw


            Chair and Vice Chair of Audit                      Mr Z Hamid

            Resources and Performance Committee    Mr J Berresford


            Two Local Authority Members                    Cllr J Walton

            (To maintain statutory balance)                   Cllr R Woods


5.         To appoint the following Members to the Local Joint Committee until the Annual Meeting in July 2019:


            Cllr D Birkinshaw                                           Cllr A R Favell

            Cllr D Chapman                                              Cllr Mrs K Potter

            Cllr C Furness                                                Two vacancies

            Cllr Mrs C Howe                                            

            Cllr J Macrae


6.         To appoint the following Members to the Appeals Panel until the Annual Meeting in July 2019:


            Cllr M Chaplin                                                Mr P Ancell

            Cllr D Chapman                                              Cllr P Brady

            Cllr Mrs C Howe                                             Cllr A R Favell

            Cllr F J Walton                                               


7.         To appoint the following Members to the Due Diligence Panel until the Annual Meeting in July 2019:


            One Member                                                   Cllr Mrs C Howe

            One Deputy Member                                     Mr J Berresford


10.       To appoint the following Members to the Development Plan Steering Group until the Annual Meeting in July 2019:


            Chair of Planning Committee                       Mr P Ancell

            Vice Chair of Planning Committee              Cllr D Birkinshaw


                                                                                     Cllr P Brady

                                                                                     Cllr M Chaplin

                                                                                     Cllr C Furness

                                                                                     Mr R Helliwell

                                                                                     Cllr Mrs L Roberts


8.         To appoint the following Members to the Charity Shadow Board until the Annual Meeting in July 2019:


            Mr Z Hamid                                                     Cllr C McLaren

            Cllr A McCloy                                                 Cllr Mrs L Roberts


9.         To appoint the following Members to the Budget Monitoring Meeting until the Annual Meeting in July 2019:


            Chair and Vice Chair of Audit                      Mr Z Hamid

            Resources and Performance Committee    Mr J Berresford


            Chair of the Authority                                   Cllr A McCloy


            One other Member                                         Cllr P Brady


11.       To appoint the following Members to the Appointments Process Panel until the Annual Meeting in July 2019:


            Two Councillor Members                             Cllr J Atkin

                                                                                     Cllr J Perkins


            Two Secretary of State Members                Cllr C Carr

                                                                                     Cllr Mrs L Roberts


12.       To appoint the following Member Representatives until the Annual Meeting in July 2019:


            Asset Management                                        Cllr A Favell

            Communities                                                  Cllr P Brady

            Connecting Young People with Nature      Mr Z Hamid

            Food and Farming                                         Mr R Helliwell

            Health and Wellbeing                                    Cllr Mrs L Roberts

            Landscape and Heritage                               Mr R Helliwell

            Member Learning and Development           Cllr R Woods

            Planning Enforcement                                  Cllr D Chapman

            Tourism and Participation                            Mr J Berresford

            Rural Economy                                              Cllr C Furness

            Thriving Natural Environments                   Mrs P Anderson


13.       To make appointments to the Outside Bodies set out in Appendix 1 to the minutes to expire at the Annual meeting in July 2019.


14.       To confirm that only these appointments are approved duties for the payment of travel and subsistence allowances as set out in Schedule 2 in the Members’ Allowances Scheme.


Supporting documents: