Agenda item

Moors for the Future Operational Plan 2019/2020 (SD)


Chris Dean, Head of Programme Delivery - Moors for the Future, and Sharon Davison, Programme Office Manager, Moors for the Future, introduced the report and presented the seventh Operational Plan for the Moors for the Future Partnership.  The report requested the Committee to recommend the Operational Plan to the Partnership’s Strategic Management Group.  The Head of Programme Delivery thanked Members for their support of the Partnership over the past 12 months.


It was noted that the wildfires last summer had affected areas that the Partnership had funding to work on and as the work would contribute to make the moors more fire resistant over time the work had continued.  Lessons had been learnt from the wildfires regarding resilience and mitigation and this included developing long term management plans and fire risk plans with partners and land owners and managers.


The recommendation to support and recommend the Operational Plan to the Partnership’s Strategic Management Group was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To support the Moors for the Future Operational Plan and recommend it to the Moors for the Future Partnership’s Strategic Management Group.



Supporting documents: