Issue - decisions

13. Stanton Moor MLG JRS

03/09/2015 - Stanton Moor Mineral Liaison Group and Consultation on Mineral Planning Matters in the Stanton Moor Area

The Chair welcomed to the meeting Professor Tony Crook, Chair of the Stanton Moor Mineral Liaison Group.


Professor Crook thanked the Chair for inviting him to speak and outlined the work of the group so far which had facilitated an honest exchange of views from those taking part.  It was noted that the quarry operator had provided a tour of the quarry site to Members of the Group which had been interesting and informative. 


It was confirmed that as there were different levels of understanding within the group on the planning system and how it relates to minerals extraction a series of seminars had been built into the meetings to facilitate a greater understanding of the operating environment. 


A statement from Cllr Mrs K Potter was read out in her absence.  Prof. Crook and the Director of Planning expressed their regret that Cllr Mrs Potter had felt that she was unable to participate in recent meetings.


The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




1.         To note the minutes of the Stanton Moor Minerals Liaison Group of October 2014, March 2015 and June 2015.


2.         To confirm that the Stanton Moor Minerals Liaison Group continues to operate as constituted in 2014.