Issue - decisions

14. Bradwell neighbourhood plan - approval to go forward to referendum.JRS

03/09/2015 - Approval of Bradwell Neighbourhood Plan to Take Forward to Referendum

The Village and Communities Officer introduced the item which had been previously considered by the Committee on 15 January 2015.  The Committee were asked to consider the examiners report and accept modifications so that a referendum on adoption of the plan could take place.


It was confirmed tha Derbyshire Dales District Council would carry out a referendum and all those registered to vote within the area will be able to take part.  Over 50% of those who vote need to say yes for the plan to be adopted.  Before it could be adopted the Plan had to receive support from more than 50% of the electorate voting on the proposal.  The exact wording of the question on the ballot paper was included in the report. 


Ms L Grainger, Chair of the Bradwell Neighbourhood Planning Committee and Cllr P Downing, Chair of Bradwell Parish Council, were in attendance to listen to the discussion of this item and answer questions if required..


The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




In accordance with Schedule 4B, para 12 of the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act:


1.         To accept the examiner’s recommendations and make modifications to Bradwell Neighbourhood Plan (submission draft), as set out in the examiner’s report (Appendix 1 of the report),


2.         To agree that Bradwell Neighbourhood Plan, as modified, would meet the basic conditions, be compatible with Convention rights, and comply with the definition of, and the provisions that can be made by, a neighbourhood plan.


3.         To Approve that Bradwell Neighbourhood Plan (submission draft) is modified in accordance with the examiner’s report and as set out in the Schedule of Proposed Modifications (Appendix 2 of the report).


4.         To Determine that the modified plan go forward to referendum.



Cllr Harold Laws left the meeting at 14.50 following consideration of this item.