Issue - decisions

NP/DDD/0915/0827 GARAGE AND PREMISES WHESTON BANK TIDESWELL. Change of use from an unused commercial garage to a domestic dwelling.

13/11/2015 - Full Application - Change of Use from an Unused Commercial Garage to a Domestic Dwelling at The Garage and Premises, Wheston Bank, Tideswell

Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The officer reported that the applicant had not taken officers’ advice to withdraw the current application and submit a revised application for the redevelopment of the site for local needs affordable housing or market housing supported by a viability appraisal.


The following spoke under the Authority’s Public Participation Scheme:


·         Mr G Newton, Applicant


The recommendation of refusal was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried with 3 abstentions.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons.



The proposal does not achieve a high standard of design and it fails to take the opportunities available for achieving enhancement via removal of the building. Retaining the building combined with the treatments to the building and site will not achieve conservation or enhancement and would in fact detract from the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and its National Park setting and also cause amenity issues with the neighbouring property Honeysuckle House. The proposal is therefore contrary to the policies of the development plan including Core Strategy Policies GSP1, GSP2, GSP3, L3, Local Plan Policies LC4, LC5 the Authority’s SPD the ‘Design Guide’ and the NPPF.



Whilst it is accepted that the existing employment use can be released, the proposed conversion does not adequately demonstrate why the site could not be redeveloped for Local Needs Affordable Housing and the scheme itself is not considered to achieve an enhancement. Consequently the proposed unrestricted dwelling is not considered to be required for the conservation or enhancement of the site. The proposal is therefore contrary to the policies of the development plan including Core Strategy Policies E1, HC1, GSP2, Local Plan Policy LH1 and the NPPF.



The application does not include adequate information to enable the impact on trees to be considered; it is therefore contrary to Local Plan Policy LC20. As this may have implications for protected species it is also contrary to Local Plan Policy LC17 and Core Strategy Policy L2.