Issue - decisions

Amendments to Standing Orders

26/01/2016 - Amendments to Standing Orders (JS)

Members considered a number of proposals to amend the Authority’s Standing Orders relating to:


·         Contract procedure rules

·         The sealing of documents

·         Delegation to the Chief Executive

·         The recording and reporting of meetings.


It was noted that the additional delegation to the Chief Executive had been proposed in the context of a review of the Authority’s Business Continuity arrangements. Therefore, during the discussion, Members suggested that the proposed delegation should be expanded to include additional proposals should the Chief Executive or the Chair of the Authority be unable to act.


In response to the suggested change it was noted that in circumstances where the Chair and Deputy Chair were unable to act officers would attempt to contact other Members such as a Committee Chair or Deputy Chair or an appropriate Member Representative.




1.     To amend Standing Order 1.34(2) as follows:


“(2) The seal shall be attested by one at least of the following persons present at the sealing viz by the Chief Executive (National Park Officer), the Director of Corporate Strategy & Development or the Monitoring Officer, or by the Democratic Services Manager in the absence of the Chief Executive (National Park Officer), the Director of Corporate Strategy & Development and the Monitoring Officer. An entry of every sealing of a document shall be made and consecutively numbered in a book to be provided for the purpose and shall be signed by the person or by persons who shall have attested the seal.”


2.    To approve changes to Part 2 of Standing Orders relating to Contracts set out in Appendix 1


3.    To authorise the Chief Finance Officer to make minor changes to Appendix 1 following consultation with the Chair of the Audit, Resources and Performance Committee and the Head of Law.


4.    To amend the scheme of delegation to the Chief Executive as set out in Part 7 of Standing Orders as follows:


a)    To add:


7.A-3      Emergency Delegation


1.    In the event of any emergency the Chief Executive (or a nominated Director if the Chief Executive is unable to act) is authorised to take any necessary action which is deemed essential for the wellbeing of the Authority or its employees where a decision is required on a matter that cannot reasonably be referred to the Authority or the Urgent Business Items Sub-Committee,


2.    In all such cases the Chief Executive should consult with the Chair of the Authority or in their absence the Deputy Chair and with the Chief Finance Officer whenever urgent action has a financial consequence for the Authority, and with the Monitoring Officer (or in their absence their Deputy). If both the Chair and Deputy Chair are unavailable or unable to act Officers are authorised to contact alternative appropriate Members.


3.    All Members are to be advised as soon as practicable of any decisions made under Paragraph 1 and the details then reported to a meeting of the National Park Authority at the earliest opportunity.


7.C-5      Variation from Decisions of Authority or Committee Meeting


b) Where the Authority or a Committee has made a decision which includes a delegation to an officer other than the Chief Executive, and the officer named in the delegation is unable to act, the Chief Executive may authorise the line manager of the named officer to make that decision in their absence (except for matters specifically delegated to the Chief Finance Officer or Monitoring Officer).


b)    To delete 7.F-20 Recording of meetings and Proceedings of the Authority.