Issue - decisions


11/12/2015 - Full Application - Change of Use of Camping Barn to Agricultural Workers Dwelling at Butterlands Barn, Greenhill Lane, Alstonefield

Cllr David Chapman declared an interest as he knew the applicant.


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


This application was originally considered at the meeting of the Planning Committee in November 2015. Notwithstanding an officer recommendation of refusal, a motion to defer a decision on this application pending a site visit was carried. The resolution for a site visit was made because the second reason for refusal of this application in the original officer report related to the availability of alternative accommodation at the main farmstead.


In accordance with Standing Orders, a motion to continue the meeting beyond three hours was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.


Following the site visit members felt that there was no alternative but to recommend the item be deferred for consideration of an endangered species surveys with a mind to approve the application.


The recommendation to defer was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried. 




That the application be deferred pending the submission of an endangered species survey with a mind to approve the application.