Issue - decisions

Full Application - For alteration and extension of public house, new accommodation building, and changes to car park layout at the Old Bulls Head Inn, Little Hucklow (NP/DDD/0617/0682, P.932, 30/6/17, 416445/378568, MN)

04/01/2018 - Full Application - For alteration and extension of public house, new accommodation building, and changes to car park layout at the Old Bulls Head Inn, Little Hucklow

Cllr Mrs L Roberts left the meeting at 10.40


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Planning Officer confirmed that the building still had rights to operate as a public house despite being closed for several years and that a land swap had been agreed in principle with a neighbouring property to allow the car park to be a more regular shape. He requested a further ‘Grampian’ style condition to secure that the land swap was completed before the commencement of the ancillary accommodation.  He also requested a condition to ensure the first floor residential unit over the pub remained ancillary to the pub business only.


Members welcomed the application to restore the building and reopen the public house.


Members requested clarification regarding the sewage provision which would be by a package sewage treatment unit covered in condition 11 of the report.


Members raised concerns regarding the access to the public house which was close to the road and suggested an addition to condition 4 of the report to ensure a drystone wall was erected along the frontage of the property for the safety of those leaving the property.


The Officer recommendation to approve the application subject to the proposed changes to the conditions was moved and seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    Development commencement within 3 years


2.    Development in complete accordance with amended plans


3.    Letting rooms to remain ancillary to the pub, subject to holiday occupancy restriction


4.    Details of new boundary walls and gates to be agreed including provision for a drystone wall across the frontage of the public house.


5.    Any external lighting to be agreed


6.    Access visibility maintained in accordance with approved plans


7.    Construction site layout to be agreed


8.    Parking provided prior to use commencing


9.    The redundant vehicular access closed and the highway margin reinstated

10.  Scheme of archaeological works to be agreed


11.  Details of drainage to be agreed


12.  Details of how the tree to eastern boundary of site will be protected to be agreed


13.  Details of hard and soft landscaping of car park to be agreed


14.  Minor architectural and design details


15.  First floor residential accommodation above the pub to be ancillary to the pub business only.


16.  No work shall commence upon the construction of the ancillary accommodation block until the land swap with the neighbouring property to secure the amended layout of the car park has been completed.


The meeting was adjourned from 11.10 to 11.15 following consideration of this item