Issue - decisions

NP/DDD/0318/0264, P5817 + P1225, 424044/360366, 27 April 2018/ALN

01/08/2018 - Section 73 Application - Variation of Condition 2 of planning approval NP/DDD/0317/0250 relating to the provision of car parking at Rock View Cottage, East Bank, Winster

Items 10 & 11 were presented together.


The Officer introduced the reports.


Members discussed the size of the site and the number of vehicles which would be parked, also possible blocking of access by vehicles not parking correctly. 


Officers confirmed that the trees that were to be removed would be replaced with hedgerows.


The Officer recommendation to approve the application was moved and seconded. 


Officers clarified that the number of spaces required is one for the holiday let or the office (depending on which permission is implemented) and two for Rock View Cottage.


The Officer recommendation to approve the application subject to conditions was voted upon and carried.




The application was APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    Time limit for implementation


2.    Adopt submitted plans


3.    Premises not to be taken into use until the approved car parking has been laid out and maintained for use through the life of the development.


4.    Use of the building shall be as an office and for no other purpose whatsoever without express planning consent from the National Park Authority (including any other purpose in Class B1 of the schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 or in any order revoking and re-enacting that order.


5.    Before the removal of any trees on the approved plan details of a native hedgerow to be planted along the eastern boundary of the site shall be submitted and agreed.  Thereafter the hedgerow shall be planted in the first planting season following the parking spaces first being brought into use.