Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of Local Needs Dwelling on Land North of Lapwing Farm, Across The Lea, Meerbrook


The Planning officer explained a number of alternative sites had been considered with the applicant and one had been identified closer to the existing house and farm building group.  However if it was pursued it would require a new application to be submitted and would incur extra building costs for the applicant and would still be a departure from policy.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Ms S Barlow, Supporter

·         Mr D Breakwell, Agent

·         Cllr Mrs G Heath, Supporter


Members were sympathetic to the applicant’s circumstances but were also concerned about setting a precedent.  Officers emphasised that policy provided consistency and that decision making needed to be consistent.  They stated that approval of this application would be a departure from policy and would need to be reported back to the Planning Committee, in accordance with Standing Order 1.48, to consider the policy issues.


The officer’s recommendation of refusal was moved and seconded.  It was noted that there was no justification for an agricultural worker’s dwelling and that the existing enforcement notice for removal of the chalet gave 18 months for compliance.  However some Members felt that there were special circumstances and the motion was lost on the vote.


The Director of Planning stated that if Members were minded to accept the need for a dwelling in principle, but had concerns about the siting of the proposed house; the current application could be refused on the grounds that the site was unacceptable. 


A motion for approval subject to a Section 106 agreement to ensure that when the dwelling became too big for the family or was no longer needed it would be sub-divided into two local needs houses and subject to conditions.  This was seconded.  The motion was then voted on and carried.  It was noted that the application would be reported to the next Planning Committee meeting on 16 January 2015 under Standing Order 1.48.




That the application be recommended to the next Planning Committee meeting for APPROVAL subject to a S.106 planning obligation providing for occupation by applicant’s family and, when two family members leave, sub division into two affordable local need homes and obligations to affordability and local occupancy restrictions and subject to the following conditions:


  1. Development to commence within 2 years


  1. Development to be carried out in accordance with amended block plan and submitted elevational drawings


  1. Hard and soft landscaping to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Authority


  1. Samples of construction materials and architectural specifications / design details to be submitted and agreed by the Authority


  1. PD rights to be removed for alterations and extensions and outbuildings 



  • the desirability of maintaining and sustaining the viability of a rural community; 


  • the very limited opportunities to provide affordable housing within Leekfrith Parish and the adjoining Parishes;


  • the need for the housing proposed in this application has been identified in a very recent Parish Needs Survey; and


  • subdivision of the proposed house would provide additional housing to meet local need in the future.



The meeting adjourned at 11.00am for a short break and reconvened at 11.10am.




Supporting documents: