Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of 3 no. Entry level exception (affordable) homes, incorporating the landscape and ecological enhancement of the balance of the land. Land North of Cock Hill, Nether End, Baslow (NP/DDD0623/0661 /JRS)


Some Members had visited the site the previous day.


The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report. 


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Nick Baseley, Agent


The development is for affordable housing which would be sold or rented at 30% below the market value.  The development is energy efficient and disability friendly and on a prominent site which had been unkempt for decades.  There were comments from Members regarding whether there was sufficient bin storage and sufficient parking although it was acknowledged that other parking was readily available in the village.  There was also an enquiry as to whether any EV charging points would be incorporated in the build and how the green roof would be maintained.


Biodiversity Net Gain was discussed with regard to the application and concern was raised that the BNG trading rules had not been complied with.  The Planning Officer stated that BNG regulations do not apply to this application as it was submitted before the rules came into force. BNG would start to apply to applications going forward as the new regulations take effect. 


The Officer recommendation to approve the application subject to prior entry into a section 106 legal agreement and to conditions was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That subject to prior entry into a Section 106 Agreement to secure occupancy in accordance with the Authority’s policies on affordable local needs housing and to retain public access and management of the open space in perpetuity, that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commence development within 3 years.


2.    Submit detailed landscaping scheme, in accordance with the illustrative landscape scheme. Implement and maintain thereafter.


3.    Implement biodiversity net gain scheme and maintain thereafter.


4.    Detailed design conditions.


5.    Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 2015 (or any order revoking or re-enacting that Order) no alterations to the external appearance of the dwelling shall be carried out and no extensions, porches, ancillary buildings, solar/photo voltaic panels, gates, fences, walls or other means of boundary enclosure shall be erected on the site without the National Park Authority's prior written consent.


6.    Submit details of any external lighting on the site.


7.    Highway conditions.


8.    Submit and agree precise details of climate change mitigation measures including consideration of air source heat pumps to meet policy CC1 with post completion verification provided.


9.    Submit and agree management plan for the public open space.


10.  No dwelling hereby permitted shall be occupied until bin stores have been installed in accordance with details which shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority.  The bin stores shall thereafter be maintained available for use through the lifetime of the development hereby permitted.


11.  No dwelling hereby permitted shall be occupied until electric vehicle charging points have been installed in accordance with details which shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority. The electric vehicle charging points shall thereafter be maintained available for use throughout the lifetime of the development hereby permitted.







Supporting documents: