Issue - meetings
P & R Committee Agreed Programmes – Volunteering and Recreation appendices
Meeting: 06/12/2019 - Programmes and Resources Committee (Item 10)
Additional documents:
- FINAL Appendix 1 PDNPA Volunteering Programme, item 10 PDF 518 KB
- Appendix, item 10 PDF 838 KB
- Supplementary text, item 10 PDF 376 KB
The Chief Executive introduced the report which gave details of the remaining 2 agreed programme areas for the Programmes and Resources Committee’s programme development. These areas were ‘volunteering’ and ‘visitor experience and recreation hubs’. Members then considered each of the areas in turn.
With regard to the Volunteering Programme the following were noted
· the volunteer VOICE meetings referred to in Appendix 1, under Member Engagement, had been set up for volunteers to give their feedback and express views on their experiences of volunteering. Smaller working groups had also been set up to cover 4 topics: reward and recognition, operational support, communications, training. It was intended that Members would be invited to attend future VOICE meetings and the Volunteer Coordinator will ensure Members are informed of meeting dates as soon as possible.
· Some training accreditation had been funded eg Fit for Work, and resourcing for funding for other training accreditation areas within the programme would be researched.
· Performance against KPIs would be included in the quarterly performance reports to the Authority meetings and an annual report would be made each year.
With regard to the Visitor Experience and Recreation Hubs programme Members suggested there needed to be more clarity of connections between areas within the programme. Concern was also expressed that separate work on climate change needed to be linked to the programme work.
The recommendation was moved, subject to amendments suggested by Members, and seconded. The motion was put to the vote and carried.
To approve the proposed programme activity and strategic engagement for 2 of the 4 programmes areas – volunteering and visitor experience and recreation hubs.
Cllr C McLaren joined the meeting during discussion of this item at 10.15am.