

Meetings of the Authority and its Committees usually take place at our main offices at Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, however when necessary meetings may take place at venues other than Aldern House. Details of the venues will be given on the agendas for the meetings when they are published. Our meetings are open to the public but please note that sometimes space is limited and priority given to those participating in the meeting. The meetings will be broadcast live via YouTube and available to view after the meeting via our website. Live meetings and recordings can be viewed using the following link. Recordings are held for 3 years from the date of the meeting:

View live and historical meetings on YouTube

If you wish to make represesentations at a meeting you should contact before 12 noon on the Wednesday before the meeting.

Please get in touch if you need more information.

Venue: Webex - Virtual Meeting


No. Item


Welcome & Apologies


Minutes from the last meeting of 24 September 2020 pdf icon PDF 468 KB


Matters Arising from the Minutes

feedback from last meeting and lessons (Mike) and feedback from Post Lockdown impression items (Mike). Notes previously circulated

Circulation of Annual Report to Peak, Derbyshire, MP’s etc,(John /Mike)

Moscar Track Response and any update (Bob)

Monsal Trail – update from Min of Transport to Sarah Dines (John)


Access Report including 20th anniversary and Anniversary Gates pdf icon PDF 47 KB


Derbyshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan report


Access Sub Group Minutes from 10th November pdf icon PDF 488 KB

Access Report Review and Feedback (John)

Wooded Landscapes Plan (sent 13/11) (John)


Members Reports

NPMP Advisory Group minutes



Any Other Business

Peak District Foundation update

Recreation Hubs

A57 upgrade consultation



Dates of Next Meetings

Proposed dates: March 11th, June 10th, September 9th, December 9th 2021