Agenda and decisions


Meetings of the Authority and its Committees usually take place at our main offices at Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, however when necessary meetings may take place at venues other than Aldern House. Details of the venues will be given on the agendas for the meetings when they are published. Our meetings are open to the public but please note that sometimes space is limited and priority given to those participating in the meeting. The meetings will be broadcast live via YouTube and available to view after the meeting via our website. Live meetings and recordings can be viewed using the following link. Recordings are held for 3 years from the date of the meeting:

View live and historical meetings on YouTube

If you wish to make represesentations at a meeting you should contact before 12 noon on the Wednesday before the meeting.

Please get in touch if you need more information.

Venue: Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell. View directions

Contact: Customer and Democratic Support Team 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Minutes of previous meeting held on 9th August 2024 pdf icon PDF 414 KB


Urgent Business


Public Participation

To note any questions or to receive any statements, representations, deputations and petitions which relate to the published reports on Part A of the Agenda.


Members Declarations of Interests

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Full Application - Proposed re-use of garage / store as a mixed use building with flexible space that can be purposed for residential and business use at land to the rear of the former RBS, Main Road, Hathersage (NP/DDD/0724/0684, HF) pdf icon PDF 467 KB

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Full Application - Proposed demolition of redundant building and redevelopment to form a single dwelling at Rose Farm Cottage, Grindlow, Great Hucklow (NP/DDD/0624/0641, WE) pdf icon PDF 414 KB

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Listed Building Consent - Alterations to listed barn comprising: roof covering renewal, repairs to timber roof structure, and minor repointing to internal stone work. The proposed roof covering renewal includes replacing sections of concrete Hardrow tiles with natural stone slates, relaying of existing stone slates, lead work renewal, and replacement of existing bitumen felt with a breathable membrane at North Lees Barn, Birley Lane, Hathersage (NP/DDD/0824/0806, JK) pdf icon PDF 439 KB

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Full Application - Development of a changing places toilet facility on an existing grass verge area at Parsley Hay Cycle Hire, unnamed section of C138 from A515 to Tissington Trail Bridge, Parsley Hay (NP/DDD/0724/0697, CC) pdf icon PDF 235 KB

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Full Application - Proposed extensions and conversion of attached barn to form additional living accommodation at 1 Tearsall View, the square, Wensley (NP/DDD/0624/0656, GG) pdf icon PDF 359 KB

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Full Application - Erection of a slurry store at Stoney Cliffe Farm, Buxton Road, Upper Hulme (NP/SM/1223/1473, LB) pdf icon PDF 332 KB

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Proposed Reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the Planning System pdf icon PDF 316 KB

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Authority Solicitor Report - Planning Appeals (A.1536/AE) pdf icon PDF 81 KB

  • View the background to item 13.