Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interests

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 6


The speaker was a former employee of the Peak District National Park Authority and known to some of the Members.


Ms Bennett declared a personal interest as she knew the applicant professionally, but had not discussed the application and was not conflicted.


Item 7


Cllr Beer declared a prejudicial interest as he had been involved in discussions with the applicant and with the Parish Council in his role of Parish Councillor, so would leave the room when this item was discussed.


Item 8


Both speakers were known to the Members as employees of the Peak District National Park Authority.


All Members declared an interest as the application related to a property owned by the Peak District National Park Authority.


Item 9


All Members declared an interest as the application related to a property owned by the Peak District National Park Authority.