Core Documents Folder 5 - Inquiry Documents
Library homePlanning DocumentsPublic Inquiry - Thornbridge HallCore Documents Folder 5 - Inquiry Documents
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- CD5.01 - Appellant's Grounds of Appeal
- CD5.02 - Council's Statement of Case
- CD5.02a - Doc 6 PDNPA Transport Design Guide SPD
- CD5.02b - Doc 8 PDNPA Local Enforcement Plan
- CD5.02c - Document 9 Thornbridge Hall Park Archaeological Survey 1995
- CD5.02d - Doc 10 Thornbridge Education Centrre Survey 2004
- CD5.02e - Doc 11 Extract from 1879 OS Map copyright Nat Lib Scotland
- CD5.02g - Doc 5 Design Guide
- CD5.03 - Statement of Common Ground between Appellant and LPA
- CD5.04 - Council's Amended Statement of Case - March 2022
- CD5.05 Archaeology - Summary of meeting A Badcock T Hanna 03.10.2022
- CD5.06 - Final Draft Unilateral Undertaking