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To the left of each document listed below is a document reference with the prefix SD2/. The Inspector has determined the numbering structure and indicated that these references will be used throughout the Inquiry.
SD2/13 Document Correspondence in respect of PDNPA decision to make prohibition order
SD2/14 Correspondence meeting notes relating to ROMP and proposals for Longstone Edge East
SD2/15 3 December 2009 letter to PDNPA from PDNPA Geotechnical consultants
SD2/16 Relevant Extracts 2008 Planning Application and supporting information
SD2/17 2004-2007 Enforcement action extracts; Inspectors Decision
SD2/18 2004-2007 extracts; case report Secretary for State for CLG
SD2/19 2004 consolidating permission of part of the 1952 permission and other old mineral permissions
SD2/20 Relevant extracts 2003 planning committee report and application for fluorspar extraction at Winster Moor
SD2/21 2 July 2003 letter from RMC Aggregates concerning assignment to Bleaklow industries
SD2/22 2000 Application for consolidating permission of part of the 1952 permission and other old mineral permissions
SD2/23 PDNPA Geotechnical consultants report BL Hodge and Partners
SD2/24 March 1997 ROMP application for determination of conditions under schedule 13 of the Env 1995
SD2/25 PDNPA Correspondence to Tsol about stalled ROMPS
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SD2/13 Document Correspondence in respect of PDNPA decision to make prohibition order
SD2/14 Correspondence meeting notes relating to ROMP and proposals for Longstone Edge East
SD2/15 3 December 2009 letter to PDNPA from PDNPA Geotechnical consultants
SD2/16 Relevant Extracts 2008 Planning Application and supporting information
SD2/17 2004-2007 Enforcement action extracts; Inspectors Decision
SD2/18 2004-2007 extracts; case report Secretary for State for CLG
SD2/19 2004 consolidating permission of part of the 1952 permission and other old mineral permissions
SD2/20 Relevant extracts 2003 planning committee report and application for fluorspar extraction at Winster Moor
SD2/21 2 July 2003 letter from RMC Aggregates concerning assignment to Bleaklow industries
SD2/22 2000 Application for consolidating permission of part of the 1952 permission and other old mineral permissions
SD2/23 PDNPA Geotechnical consultants report BL Hodge and Partners
SD2/24 March 1997 ROMP application for determination of conditions under schedule 13 of the Env 1995
SD2/25 PDNPA Correspondence to Tsol about stalled ROMPS
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