Decision details

Section 73 Application - Removal of Condition 3 from approved application NP/DDD/0316/0280 at Riverside Business Park, Buxton Road, Bakewell (NP/DDD/0117/0066), P4822, 23/01/2017, 421111/369121/TS)

Decision status: APPROVED (In accordance with officer recommendation with additional or amended condition(s))

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The planning officer introduced the report and stated that Members had 3 options to consider regarding the decision.  They could refuse the application, approve the application or amend the condition.


The Authority had commissioned an independent Highway Consultant to produce a report on the proposed development.  This was still ongoing but some initial feedback had been received which gave reasonable arguments for the need for the bridge.  The independent consultant was also considering existing traffic movements and the fall back position as to what could happen regarding traffic movements.  Officers had also visited the site twice during the current week at am and pm peak times to count the traffic movements in and out of the Riverside Business Park.  They had done this as the applicant’s traffic report predicted traffic movements as a forecast and was not based on an actual count.  The applicant’s forecast for Pinelog’s traffic movements was 73 am and 62 pm.  The Authority officer’s count for Pinelog was 130 am and 137 pm.  Information from local residents regarding traffic movements indicated that there will be an overall increase.  Officers thought there was a potential for an increase in traffic and a need for a new access so recommended that the condition regarding the new bridge should to be retained.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr Colin Bateman, Objector

·         Mr Stephen Morgan-Hyland, Agent.


Members felt the development of the site would bring an increase in traffic and the bridge was needed.  A motion to grant the planning permission with an amended condition 3 (the bridge pre-condition), to  reflect the need for  some demolition work to be carried out in order to construct the bridge, was moved and seconded.  This was then voted on and carried.


Members expressed concern that Derbyshire County Council Highways had not responded to the consultation request and Cllr Williams agreed to follow this up with them.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    That no development be carried out prior to construction of a bridge linking the site to the A6 except for any necessary demolition to allow the bridge to be constructed.


2.    3 year implementation time limit from the grant of application NP/DDD/0316/0280


3.    Development to be carried out in accordance with the submitted plans and details.


4.    Restriction of use to B1, B2 or B8


5.    Removal of PD rights for extensions and alterations


6.    Construction Compound


7.    Wheel Cleaning Facilities


8.    Construction and demolition construction traffic management plan


9.    Parking and Access to be provided


10.  Flood Protection Measures


11.  Finished Floor Spaces


12.  Sustainable Drainage details to be submitted and agreed and thereafter



13.  Archaeology Written Scheme of Investigation


14.  Foundation Details to be submitted and agreed


15.  Ecology management plan


16.  Control of work within bird breeding season


17.  Provision of bird nesting features


18.  Lighting plan to be submitted and agreed


19.  Removal of cotoneaster


20.  Landscaping scheme


21.  Pollution control and remediation


22.  Passing places to be provided


Publication date: 03/05/2017

Date of decision: 07/04/2017

Decided at meeting: 07/04/2017 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: