Decision details

Full Application- Demolition of redundant industrial units 2 & 3 on the former industrial site and the construction of 4 open market houses comprising of a pair of semi-detached dwellings and 2 no detached dwellings with landscaping and carparking at

Decision status: APPROVED (In accordance with officer recommendation with additional or amended condition(s))

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


It was noted that Members had visited the site on the previous day.


In response to Members’ queries the Planning officer stated that since the amendment to the S106 agreement on the existing dwellings on the site 3 had been sold and several enquiries had been received regarding the remaining dwellings.


Members queried the restriction on permitted development so it was agreed to amend condition 3 of the recommendation by deleting reference to ancillary buildings, walls and satellite dishes and amend the reference to fences by adding ‘in front garden only’.


Condition 4 was also amended to state ‘Maintain parking spaces and use for parking vehicles only’.  Condition 8 was then amended to include screening to parking spaces at the rear and condition 7 was amended to include metre boxes.


The recommendation for approval subject to the conditions in the report and as amended above was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    3 year time limit.


2.    Adopt amended plans.


3.    Withdraw permitted development rights for alterations, extensions, porches and fences in front gardens only.


4.    Maintain parking spaces and use for parking vehicles only.


5.    Underground service lines.


6.    Appropriate highway conditions.


7.    Minor design details to include stone and slate samples and metre boxes.


8.    Submit and agree landscaping scheme including screening to parking spaces at rear.


9.    Submit and agree a scheme of environmental management.


Publication date: 03/05/2017

Date of decision: 07/04/2017

Decided at meeting: 07/04/2017 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: