Decision details

Revocation Order - Ballidon Quarry, Ballidon, DE6 1QX

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: APPROVED (In accordance with officer recommendation)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




That a Revocation Order be made under Section 97 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 and all other powers enabling the Authority to revoke the following permissions:


1884/9/11 & 22: The winning and working of limestone, the disposal of waste material and the erection of new crushing and grinding plant.


1884/9/30: To develop land by the winning and working of limestone, the disposal of waste material and the erection of buildings.


ASR/163/2: To extend the limestone quarrying area and the tipping area.


NP/ASR/373/2: An extension of limestone workings.


NP/WED/783/292: Extension of limestone workings.


NP/WED/1190/623: Variation of condition 4 of planning permission consent NP/WED/783/292 to permit extraction of a further lift from the west quarry followed by backfilling using quarry waste.


NP/WED/392/192: Extension of quarry workings and development of quarry tip.


NP/DDD/0500/172: Merging of existing planning consents into a single consolidated consent including surrender of parts of existing permissions and a small extension for landscape purposes of the north face of the main quarry.


NP/DDD/0803/419: Variation of condition 13 of planning consent NP/DDD/0500/171 to increase the total sales output of mineral from 1 million tonnes to 1.1 million tonnes in any one calendar year.


NP/DDD/0214/0210: Variation of condition 10 (iii) of planning consent NP/DDD/0803/419 to increase the number of powders tankers delivering overnight.



Publication date: 30/08/2017

Date of decision: 11/08/2017

Decided at meeting: 11/08/2017 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: