Decision details

Full Application - Extension and alterations to the house, re-organisation of drive and garden areas and new double garage at Gatehouse Farm Cottage, Gatehouse Lane, Hathersage

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: APPROVED (In accordance with officer recommendation with additional or amended condition(s))

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Jane Newman, Head of Development Management, left the room during discussion of this item.


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Planning Officer introduced the report.  A previous application had been considered by committee in January 2018 and refused.  The new proposal followed consultation with officers to resolve the issues of the previous application based on the steer from Members at the January committee.


The Planning Officers confirmed that the proposal was larger than would normally be acceptable and outside policy guidelines but would enhance the property sufficiently to make the scheme acceptable.


The Planning Officer reported that a further representation had been received from the owner of the adjacent property after the publication of the committee papers.   which raised the following points and concerns:



·         The report contained an unbalanced assessment of the negative and positive aspects of the scheme

·         Issue in relation to the legal status of the property.



1.    Overdevelopment in the area in a small hamlet visible from the open countryside.

2.    Impact on privacy and light to Little Gatehouse

3.    Impact on traffic volumes to The Gatehouse

4.    Erosion of privacy and increased traffic for Gatehouse Farm

5.    Change to the historical context of the hamlet and building where the cottage, built as a barn and only recently converted to a small cottage, would now look to dominate the historical farmhouse. 


The point was also raised that the original planning permission in 1969 was granted for a building as ancillary service accommodation to Gatehouse Farm.  It was then converted in the early 1970s and this permission still exists.  The Planning Officer confirmed that there is some uncertainty regarding recent occupation.  If the application was approved the issue regarding the1969 permission could be resolved as a separate legal matter outside the Committee. 


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Simon Gedye – Agent


Members requested clarification regarding the possibility of the property being used for B&B and if planning permission had been sought for the property.  The Planning Officer confirmed that the use of the property as a B&B had not been discussed with the applicant but that up to two rooms can be used without the need for planning permission as it would not be a material change of use.


The Officer recommendation to approve the application subject to conditions was moved and seconded.


Members sought clarification on the plan to use concrete tiles on the garage roof and not similar tiles to those on the house.  Officers confirmed that this type of tile was acceptable on outbuildings.


A recommendation to change the conditions to ensure the scheme enhancement was completed before the accommodation was first occupied was put forward. It was agreed to change condition 3 to include this.


Members asked if consideration had been given to the size of the windows and the impact of this on dark skies.  Officers confirmed this had not been considered, as normally only external lighting is considered.


The Planning Officer confirmed that the Authority was able to provide advice to the applicant and subsequent occupants regard the upkeep of the green roof. 


Members acknowledged the neighbours’ concerns.


The Officer recommendation to approve the application subject to changes to condition 3 was voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:

1.    Standard time limit.


2.    Prior to the commencement of the development a construction management plan shall be submitted showing areas of the site to be used for storing building materials and placement of skips. The scheme shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans before the new accommodation is first occupied.


3.    Development in complete accordance with the submitted plans including 101RevQ, 102RevK, 103RevK, 104RevJ and 106RevE, and specifications, subject to the following conditions or modifications. Occupation of the development shall not take place until all work completed.


4.    Stone panel and roof materials to be submitted for approval.


5.    Detailed specification of windows and doors to be submitted for approval.


6.    Rooflights in the garage to be no larger than78cm long 55cm wide.


7.    The rear single storey extension to measure no higher than 1800mm from existing ground levels immediately adjacent at Gatehouse Farm.


8.    Details of surface water drainage to be submitted for approval


9.    Submission of a scheme for maintenance of the green roof.


10.  Remove permitted development rights for extensions and alterations and for ancillary buildings in the curtilage. 


11.  All new door and window frames within the extension shall be recessed from the external face of the wall to the same depth as the existing frames on the host dwelling.


12.  All rooflights shall be fitted flush with the roofslope.


13.  The glass divide to the south facing elevation of the two storey extension shall be no wider than 900mm and shall be recessed from the external face of the wall by at least 100mm.


14.  No fascia or barge boards.


Jane Newman returned to the meeting following discussion on this item.


Publication date: 28/12/2018

Date of decision: 14/12/2018

Decided at meeting: 14/12/2018 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: