Decision details

Full Application - Conversion of barn to one open market dwellinghouse and one affordable dwellinghouse - Barn at Carr Lane, Wetton

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: REFUSED (In accordance with officer recommendation)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


It was noted that Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:-


Mr Rory Bradford, Agent


The Planning Officer introduced the report. 


Although Members agreed that affordable housing was needed to keep villages sustainable, there was concern that the proposal would impact on the landscape and the character of the medieval field strip system.


The Officer recommendation to refuse the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.





To REFUSE the application for the following reasons:



The development would result in alterations to the building and domestication of the building’s setting that would harm its historic agricultural character, contrary to policies L3, DMC3 and DMC10. This harm is judged to outweigh the public benefits of the development, meaning that it is also contrary to policy DMC5 and to paragraphs 172 and 197 of the NPPF.



The development would result in harm to the historic agricultural character to the Wetton Conservation Area contrary to policies L3, DMC3 and DMC8. This harm is judged to outweigh the public benefits of the development, meaning that it is also contrary to policy DMC5 and to paragraph 172 and 196 of the NPPF.




The development would result in domestication of the landscape in this location, harming its agricultural character, contrary to policies L1 and DMC3, and to paragraph 172 of the NPPF.





Publication date: 14/10/2019

Date of decision: 11/10/2019

Decided at meeting: 11/10/2019 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: