Decision details

Full Application: Change of use of existing dairy milking parlour to form bunk house accommodation with facilities and meeting room space at Blaze Farm, Buxton Road, Wildboarclough

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: REFUSED (In accordance with officer recommendation)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


As there were no speakers registered for Item 8, the Chair brought forward Items 9 & 10 for consideration as the speakers had arrived for those items.


The Head of Development Management introduced the report and informed Members that since the report had been published, 2 further letters of objection had been received.  Members were also reminded that this item had been considered at the Committee in June 2019, and Committee were minded at that time to approve the application, but the item was deferred under Standing Orders as the application was a departure from Policy. Members also tasked the applicant to supply further information with regard to the business arrangements, as well as how the business contributed to the National Park purposes.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:-


·         Mrs C Waller (not present) – Statement read out by the Chair

·         Dr Owens, Objector

·         Mr M Waller, Applicant


Members considered that the application reason for deferment had not been answered and that the end result would not be line with our polices or Design Guide.


The Officer recommendation to refuse the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.





That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:



The proposals are for the conversion of a wholly untraditional modern portal framed farm building which has no historic or vernacular merit to holiday/bunkhouse accommodation contrary to Core Strategy policies GSP1, GSP2, GSP3, RT2 and E2 and Development Management Policies DME2.




By virtue of the scale of the proposed use when taken with the existing and extant tourist uses, the tourist business would be unlikely to remain ancillary and subsidiary to the agricultural business contrary to Development Management Policy DME2.



The proposals would perpetuate the presence of a building that by virtue of its massing, detailing and materials does not contribute to the character of the area and which is prominent from public vantage points contrary to Core Strategy policies GSP2 and GSP3 , Development Management Policy DMC3 and advice in the Authority’s Adopted Design Guide



Cllr K Potter left the meeting at 14:40.



Publication date: 10/02/2020

Date of decision: 07/02/2020

Decided at meeting: 07/02/2020 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: