Decision details
Roll Call of Members Present, Apologies for Absence and Members Declarations of Interest
Decision Maker: Planning Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Items 5 and 6
Cllr McCloy declared a personal interest as his wife worked for a different NHS Trust.
Items 9 and 10
Mr Smith declared a personal interest as he was a National Trust member and specialist volunteer however he had not had any input into the application.
Cllr McCloy declared a personal interest as he was a member of the National Trust.
Mr Helliwell declared a prejudicial interest and confirmed that he would withdraw from the meeting for the duration of this item.
Item 11
Cllr Chapman declared a prejudicial interest as the spouse of the applicant and confirmed that he would withdraw from the meeting for the duration of this item.
Item 12
The following members declared that they had received emails from Mr Isaacs and James Berresford: Mr Helliwell, Cllr Brady, Cllr Chapman, Ms Harling, Cllr McCloy, Cllr Potter, Mr Smith
Cllr Brady had also received correspondence from Mr Isaacs in January.
Item 14
Cllr Brady declared a personal interest because the appeal regarding Star House had been submitted by his former son in law.
Cllr Wharmby advised that he would have to leave the meeting at 12pm
Cllr McCloy advised that he would be absent from the meeting between 1.00pm 1.30pm.
Publication date: 16/04/2021
Date of decision: 16/04/2021
Decided at meeting: 16/04/2021 - Planning Committee