Issue - meetings
Future Meetings of the Local Joint Committee
Meeting: 08/06/2018 - Local Joint Committee (Item 16)
16 Future Meetings of the Local Joint Committee PDF 77 KB
The Committee considered the request to change the frequency of the Local Joint Committee (LJC) meetings from twice per year to four times per year and the request to change the meetings from being held on Fridays to Thursdays.
It was noted that the Thursday dates proposed were, where possible, the same dates as Planning Committee site visits however some Members expressed concern that Members of the LJC who were not on site visits may have a problem attending meetings. The Director of Conservation and Planning stated that site visits on those days could be delayed to start at 10.30am so that LJC meetings could be held first, this would enable a clear start time to be communicated to all Members.
The recommendations as set out in the report were moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
It was noted that the new arrangements could be reviewed in 12 months.
1. The future meetings of the Local Joint Committee are held on a quarterly basis.
2. To agree the dates proposed for 2019, following consideration of paragraph 12 of the report, as Thursdays 21 March, 13 June, 10 October and 12 December for inclusion in the calendar of meetings for 2019 which will go to the annual Authority meeting in July 2018 for approval.
3. To agree two extra meetings are added to the Local Joint Committee meeting schedule for 2018 as Thursdays 11 October and 13 December 2018.