Agenda item

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment 25 % of Features (EF)


This report had been brought to Members at the request of the Chair and was an early report to make Members aware of the top 25% of special quality features for inclusion in the climate change vulnerability assessment.


The Head of Strategy and Performance, Emily Fox, introduced the report and the team from Moors for the Future who had been commissioned to undertake the project.  The team were Diarmuid Crehan, Project Manager, Mollie Hunt and Joe Margetts, Project Officers.


It was noted that the outcomes in Appendix 1 of the report had come from work with Officers and partners.  Members would be kept up to date on progress through the year and it was planned to bring a report back on the final vulnerability assessment in Winter 2019.


In response to Members’ queries Officers responded with the following points:


·         the allocation of features to special qualities shown in Appendix 1 of the report does not mean that they are only part of the allocated special qualities and the allocations will not affect the assessment.


·         The team were looking to develop as many contacts as possible to build a network to help learn what is happening now and to influence future work.


·         The team will be looking at climate change and other effects but will have to act within their resources.


·         If more than the top 25% of features were to be considered at present the project would become more resource intensive.


·         The project will be evidence based and the results will be used for internal actions, how the Authority works with partners to deliver the National Park Management Plan and will influence the next National Park Management Plan.  The National Park Management Plan Advisory Group will be kept up to date on progress.



The Chair indicated that queries raised by Members regarding the Authority’s stance on C0² and signage on moors regarding the bilberry bumble bee would be responded to outside of the meeting.


The recommendation to note the report was moved and seconded.  This was put to the vote and carried.




To note the top 25% of special quality features for inclusion in the climate change vulnerability assessment.


Supporting documents: