Agenda item
Urgent Item - Millers Dale Station Goods Shed Restoration
- Meeting of National Park Authority, Friday 24th May 2019 10.00 am (Item 16/19)
- View the background to item 16/19
Emma Stone, Head of Visitor Experience introduced the report which was to seek approval from Members to accept a grant offer of £321,169.63 from the RDPE to restore the goods shed at Millers Dale Station. The grant would cover the full costs of re-roofing and converting the goods shed into a interpretation space, in accordance with planning permission granted in December 2018.
Normally the grant, because of its value, would need Audit, Resource and Performance Committee approval to accept it, but because of the deadlines, the report has had to be brought before the Authority Meeting, to accept the offer of the funding, and to enter into any necessary contracts, as the Authority is looking to complete the works quite rapidly.
Members welcomed the report and thanked Emma on the tremendous piece of work.
The recommendation to approve the report was moved and seconded.
· That the Authority grants approval to the Head of Visitor Experience Development to accept the grant offer of £321,169.63 and
· That authority to award contracts in connection with the proposed refurbishment be delegated to the Head of Visitor Experience Development in order to meet the agreed timescales and delivery.
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