Agenda item
Adopting the Development Management Policies DPD
- Meeting of National Park Authority, Friday 24th May 2019 10.00 am (Item 22/19)
- View the background to item 22/19
The Head of Policy and Communities, Brian Taylor introduced the report, which was to report on the findings of the independent Inspector presiding over the Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DMDPD), and proposed that the documents and associated Policies Map, be adopted by the National Park Authority. The report also proposed a programme of new Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and the revised programme for their delivery, together with a revised standard S106 agreement to allow for a “Mortgagee in Possession” clause.
In introducing the report, an amendment to recommendation 5 was made to remove the word ”may” after the words “locally needed affordable homes”
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Charlotte Gilbert on behalf of the Local Access Forum to urge Members to designate the Monsal Trail to a bridleway as the High Peak and Tissington Trail to give it extra protection and safe guard it for future generations.
Cllr Potter read out a statement regarding railways and multi user trails. Chair asked that she circulate the papers to any Members that would be interested in reading it.
Members welcomed the new clause regarding S106 agreements and thanked the team for their work. A copy of the plan to be made available to all Members as soon as possible.
The report recommendations were moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
1. To adopt the Development Management Policies (DMDPD) and Policies Map to become part 2 of the adopted Local Plan for the National Park.
2. To confirm that by adopting the DMDPD the 2001 saved Local Plan policies are replaced in their entirety.
3. To note the current status of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) as set out in paragraph 15 and confirm that the 2003 Affordable Housing SPD will be replaced by the DM Policies DPD.
4. To confirm the revised programme for delivery of the Supplementary Planning Documents as set out in paragraph 17; and
5. To amend the standard S106 agreement for locally needed affordable homes to allow for the insertion of a “Mortgagee in Possession” clause, on terms to be agreed by the Head of Law in consultation with the Director of Conservation and Planning.
Cllr R Walker left the meeting at 11.55 during consideration of this item.
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