Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 6


It was noted that all Members had received an email from Ann Robinson and a letter from Peter Owens.


Mr Robert Helliwell declared a personal interest, as he knew Anne Robinson.


Cllr Kath Potter declared a personal interest as she was a member of CPRE who had commented on this item and she knew Anne Robinson.  Cllr Kath Potter also knew the applicant’s wife, as she had been a member of Rowsley Parish Council.


Cllr Patrick Brady declared a personal interest as his son-in-law’s family live in Edensor.


Item 10


Cllr Andrew Hart declared a personal interest, as he knew Mr Peter Wilkinson who was a member of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council


Item 13


Cllr Patrick Brady had received an email from the applicant.  Mr Robert Helliwell had received an email from the applicant’s agent.


Item 14


It was noted that all Members had received emails from Mr T Hill and Mr G Brown


Item 16


It was noted that all Members had received an email from Mr R Webb