Agenda item

Annual Housing Report and Cases Contrary to the Development Plan (IF/DA)


Members considered the annual housing report and cases contrary to the development plan.  The first appendix focussed on housing data arising from planning decisions determined in accordance with the adopted Core Strategy; the second appendix gave details of cases which had been determined as being contrary to the development plan and other decisions which had raised important issues for policy review.


In response to Members’ queries officers stated that there was a statutory requirement to review the policies, the Development Management Policy had recently been adopted and a full plan review was just starting which the Development Management Plan Member Steering Group would be involved in.  Performance against the KPIs would be reported quarterly to the Authority meeting as part of regular performance reporting.  The decision relating to a caravan site at Rivendale would be included in the next annual report.


With regard to Appendix 2 Officers agreed with Members that for future reports on decisions contrary to policy the comments column should include the original officer recommendations and the reasons for the contrary Member decisions as recorded in the minutes of the meetings.




1.    To adopt the reports as an accurate record of housing delivery and policy monitoring in the National Park in 2018/19 and over the full plan period from 2006 2019.


2.    To adopt the report as part of the evidence base for Local Plan review purposes.


Supporting documents: