Agenda item
Full Application - Single Storey Extension and Alterations to Windows at 1 Sunnyside Villas, Buxton Road, Castleton ((NP/HPK/1019/1108, CW)
It was noted that Members had visited the site on the previous day.
The Planning officer introduced the report and stated that an additional condition was required to the recommendation for approval to state, notwithstanding the red line application site area on the submitted site plan, no permission is hereby granted for any extension of the residential curtilage to the rear of the dwelling.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Mr M Jones, Agent
The recommendation for approval, with the additional condition regarding curtilage, was moved and seconded.
The motion for approval was put to the vote and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. Development to be carried out in accordance with specified approved plans.
2. The design, external finish and recess of the new window frames and door shall match the existing.
3. The rooflights shall be fitted flush with the roofslope.
4. Notwithstanding the red line application site area shown on the submitted site plan, no permission is hereby granted for any extension of the residential curtilage to the rear of the dwelling.
Supporting documents:
NP/HPK/1019/1108, CW), item 6/20
PDF 219 KB
Item 7- 1 Sunnyside Villas, Castleton, item 6/20