Agenda item

Full Application - Change of Use from ancillary accommodation to a market price dwelling at Burn Booth Farm, Longnor



Reason for Urgency:  This development was business critical for the applicant.


It was noted that the building had already been converted so therefore  its conservation was ensured, but the proposal to convert it to an open market dwelling was contrary to current policy and would result in the loss of an ancillary dwelling as well as giving rise to unacceptable amenity impacts for the occupiers of the property.



The following person had submitted comments on the report:


·         Mr K Smith, Authority Member


The comments made were noted.





That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.         Because the building is already in a use that secures its conservation the conversion to open market housing is not required to secure conservation or enhancement of a valued vernacular building. As a result the proposals are contrary to Core Strategy policy HC1C.


2.         The development would result in the loss of an ancillary dwelling that was secured by a previous permission, contrary to Development Management policy DMH10.


3.         The property would have inadequate residential amenity due to its location adjacent to the farmyard and buildings, and a lack of separate outdoor amenity space from that of the existing dwelling, contrary to Development Management policy DMC3.


4.         No assessment has been made of the scope for the development to incorporate climate change mitigation measures, contrary to Core Strategy policy CC1.