Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of an agricultural building for sheep/storage plus an access track on land at Spring Croft, Pothooks Lane, Grindon



Reason for Urgency:  This development was business critical for the applicant.


It was considered that the proposed site for the agricultural building would have an unacceptable landscape impact as it was in an exposed location.  The applicant had offered to lower the height of the building and implement a planting scheme, but it was felt that the building would still be in the wrong place, especially as there were more appropriate places that the building could be sited.



The following persons had submitted comments on the report:


·         Mr K Smith, Authority Member

·         Mr R Ford



The comments made were considered.





That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.         The building, associated hardstanding and new access track, by virtue of their siting and appearance, would have a significant and adverse visual impact on the valued characteristics and appearance of the landscape and the wider scenic beauty of the National Park. The proposal is therefore contrary to the landscape conservation objectives set out in the NPPF and the Authority’s Development Plan Policies: Core Strategy GSP1, GSP2, GSP3, DS1 & L1 and Development Management Policies DMC3 & DME1.