Agenda item
Full application - Siting of a log cabin for use as an agricultural workers dwelling ancillary to the farmhouse - Shepley Farm, Chelmorton (NP/DDD/0420/0370, MN)
Cllr Chapman had declared a personal interest so left the room while this item was discussed.
A site visit with the Chair & Vice Chair of Planning Committee together with the Director of Conservation and Planning had taken place on the previous day.
The Planning Officer introduced the report, and informed Members that a further letter of representation in support of the applicant had been received since the report had been published.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-
· Mr Dominic Cooney, Agent
Members felt some sympathy with the applicant but considered that a number of matters required further attention and explanation before a decision could be taken, including the period of temporary permission being proposed/needed, how might this be secured if permission was granted, and whether there were there less harmful options in terms of the design and siting of the ancillary dwelling
The recommendation to defer the item for further discussion between Officers and the applicant was moved, seconded put to the vote and carried.
To DEFER the application to allow for further discussion with the applicant.
Supporting documents:
(NP/DDD/0420/0370, MN), item 61/20
PDF 337 KB
0420-0370_Shepley Farm, Chelmorton, item 61/20
PDF 329 KB