Agenda item
Full application - Relocation of horse shelter at field off Cliff Lane, Curbar (NP/DDD/0220/0200 AM)
The Planning Manager, North Area, introduced the report and summarised the planning history.. The Officer explained that the proposed location of the stable is not the one preferred by the Planning Officers in their pre-application advice.
Members expressed concerns regarding the application especially the five year limit on the temporary permission which was based on the age of the horses and sought assurance that the stable would be removed if it were no longer needed in advance of the five year term. Officers confirmed that removal would be required once no longer required for the current horses. It was also stated that any planning approval would supersede the enforcement notice but that Officers would consider taking direct action if the current stable were not removed.
A motion to refuse the application contrary to the Officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried. Members were asked to delegate the final decision wording to the Head of Development Management in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Committee
That the application be REFUSED contrary to the Officer recommendation due to the impact on the landscape contrary to policy L1.
Supporting documents:
0220-0200_Cliff Lane field shelter, item 73/20
PDF 327 KB
0220-0200_Cliff Lane, Curbar CF, item 73/20
PDF 658 KB