Agenda item

2020-2021 Reserve Allocations (A.137/22/PN)


The Chief Finance Officer introduced the report, which proposed further allocations to be set aside from current cash reserves to finance the impact of the Covid emergency and possible restructuring costs.


Members thanked the Chief Finance Officer for the quality of his report.  The Chair encouraged Members to attend the workshop on the 18th September where the budget  issues would be looked at in more detail.


The recommendations as set out in the report were moved, seconded, voted on and carried.





1)    To approve the further allocations from the Authority’s reserves as outlined in Appendix 1 be approved for appropriation to the Covid Reserve in order to finance the impact of the Covid emergency 2020-21, to be allocated at the end of the year.

2)    That any funds in the Covid reserve not required, be appropriated to the re-structuring reserve at the end of the year, for the reasons set out paragraph 11 of the report.

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