Agenda item
Section 73 Application - For the removal or variation of condition 1 on NP/SM/0915/0895 at Lower Damgate Farm, Ilam (NP/SM/0420/0318/SC)
Ms L Slack returned to the meeting. Mr R Helliwell declared that he had already formed a view on this application and left the meeting during this item. Mr K Smith took on the role of Chair in Mr Helliwell’s absence.
The Head of Development Management introduced the item and confirmed that a letter of support had been received from the Parish Council following publication of the report. Consideration had been given to the implications on small businesses of the current pandemic and more flexibility applied to the judgement of this application.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Lisa Wain, Supporter – statement read out by Democratic Services
· Carolyn Wilderspin, Applicant – video recording submitted
Members felt weight should be given to the support of the parish council but had concerns about the number of events the applicant was requesting. Members requested clarification on how the proposed numbers from the Authority had been reached? The Head of Development Management confirmed that the figures were based on an assessment by Officers of the level of events and the harm to amenity that would arise. No other application for extension or changes had been received from any similar business.
Members were minded to agree to a total of 20 events for 2021 and 16 for 2022
A motion to approve the application with the amended figures of 20 events for 2021 and 16 for 2022 was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
Ms L Slack abstained from voting due to issues with her connection to the meeting.
That the application be APPROVED subject to condition 1 of NP/SM/0915/0895 being varied to read:
1. There shall be no more than 20 wedding events for the calendar year 2021 and 16 for the calendar year 2022 on land within the applicant’s ownership at Lower Damgate Farm and no more than one event with more than 30 guests shall take place at Lower Damgate Farm in any five day period. From 1 January 2023 there shall be no more than 12 wedding events in any one calendar year. Additionally no more than 2 one –off community and charity events, and 1 local school event per year, and no more than 2 small events/workshops per week (such as yoga classes and art classes) shall take place in the barn. The residential/community workshops shall be limited to the hours of 09:00 to 21:00 hours and the number of guests at these workshops shall not exceed 30. The owner/operators shall maintain an up-to-date register of the dates of bookings and the names of all clients who book this venue, and shall, on request, make this information available at all reasonable times to the Authority.
Cllr G Wharmby left the meeting at 13.35
Supporting documents:
- 4 0420-0318_Lower Damgate Farm Ilam JEN CHECKED, item 81/20 PDF 321 KB
- 0420-0318_Lower Damgate, Ilam, item 81/20 PDF 470 KB