Agenda item

Household Application - Re-roof and conversion of existing garage to teenagers / granny flat - demolition of existing canopy roof and replacement with new extension. Rear external canopy to provide covered space and log-store. New open carport to accommodate three car spaces at Rowan Tree Toft, Bar Road, Curbar, S32 3YB (NP/DDD/0520/0408, AM)


The Planning Officer presented the report and informed Members of an update to the report since it was published  in that the applicant had agreed to put in Photovoltaicpv panels on the building and an electric vehicle charging point.


Members had concern regarding the hedge that currently prevents visibility from the public footpath.  The Planning Officer confirmed that the only part of the hedge to be removed would be that where the garage would be, the rest of the hedge would remain.


A motion to approve the recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.







That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.         Statutory time limit for implementation.

2.         In accordance with specified amended plans.

3.         Gable of ancillary accommodation and car port to be natural gritstone in accordance with a sample panel to be approved.

4.         Roof to be concrete tiles to match the existing dwelling.

5.         Specify size of roof lights and conservation type.

6.         Car port to remain available for parking domestic vehicles at all times.

7.         Restrict occupation of ancillary dwelling to ancillary to Rowan Tree Toft.

Supporting documents: