Agenda item
Full Application - Siting of a mobile coffee unit to be situated at the top of the car park at Lady Cannings Plantation, Sheephill Road, Sheffield (NP/S/1220/1197, AM)
The Planning Officer introduced the report setting out the reasons for refusal as set out in the report.
The Officer was asked to advise whether a temporary permission would be appropriate and confirmed that it would not be, as the reasons for refusal would still be applicable.
Issues around litter and visitor behaviour were discussed by Members.
Sheffield City Council had proposed an alternative site for the unit, beyond the carpark. The Planning Officer advised that this would not be an acceptable alternative as it would be located in the Natural Zone where there is a strong presumption against any development. In any event the alternative site was not part of the application and could not therefore be voted on.
A motion to refuse the application in accordance with Officer recommendation was proposed and seconded and a vote was taken and carried.
To REFUSE the application for the following reasons
1. |
The development would not be directly related to or ancillary to a recreation or tourist facility and therefore in principle is contrary to policies DS1 and HC5 that seek to direct development to named settlements and other appropriate locations detailed within the Development Plan.
2. |
The development would harm the landscape character and biodiversity of the National Park contrary to policies GSP1, GSP3, L1, L2, DMC3, DMC11 and litter from the development could not be satisfactorily controlled contrary to policy DMC14.
3. |
The development would reduce available off-street parking spaces in the car park and exacerbate existing on-street parking issues in the local area, particularly at weekends and harm highway safety and the amenity of the local area contrary to policies GSP3 and DMC3.
Supporting documents:
1220-1197_ Mobile coffee unit Lady Cannings, item 22/21
PDF 338 KB
Item 7 - Lady Cannings Plantation, Sheephill Road, Sheffield, item 22/21