Agenda item
Listed Building Consent: Demolition of existing Ambulance station and Riverside Ward Building, partial demolition of cart house and wall (Grade II curtilage listed) and erection of new health centre and ambulance station with associated infrastructure and parking at Newholme, Bakewell (NP/DDD/1220/1232, TS)
This item was discussed by Members as part of agenda item 5.
A recommendation for approval with the addition of a condition regarding a structural report on the need to demolish the boundary wall during construction was moved and seconded, put to the vote and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the conditions to control the following:
1. Commence development within 3 years.
2. Carry out in accordance with specified amended plans and supporting information.
3. The car park the subject of the application shall not be laid out or brought into use until full details of layout and landscaping including:
i) materials
ii) details of physical expression of historic boundary and
iii) alternative pedestrian entrance which does not break through the boundary wall immediately adjacent to the Carthouse is submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority
4. Submit for written agreement full details of the landscaping scheme comprising both hard and soft external works together with implementation timetable. Scheme to include treatment of rear boundaries. Thereafter complete and maintain in full accordance with approved scheme.
5. Submit revised detailing for fenestration in:
- Primary north western elevation windows on the gables
- Replacement of triple opening on south west elevation with double
opening of reduced size.
6. Approval of sample panels of stone, external paving, surfacing, zinc and roofing materials.
7. Approval of door and window details/finishes.
8. Specify minor detailed design matters e.g. Rain water goods, other joinery details.
9. No development shall take place until a Written Scheme of Investigation for a scheme of archaeological monitoring and recording has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority in writing.
10. Condition regarding a report of the requirement for the temporary demolition of boundary wall to be agreed.
Supporting documents:
2 - 1220-1232_Newholme lbc, item 31/21
PDF 294 KB
Items 5+6 Newholme Hospital, item 31/21
PDF 492 KB