Agenda item

Pedal Peak II Further Funding (EF)


Having declared a personal and pecuniary  interest in this item, Ms S Leckie left the meeting prior to the Officer’s introduction and took no part in the debate or the vote.


In line with the Authority’s Standing Order 7.C-2, Officers sought Member approval to accept a Department for Transport Cycling Ambition Grant Fund additional grant for up to £260,000 via Derbyshire County Council, to provide further funding for the Pedal Peak 2 project.


The Assistant Director reported that on the day before the meeting, the Authority had been successful in its joint bid with Derbyshire County Council for Department for Transport funding and had secured £430,200 plus local contributions of £150,000.


Members congratulated Officers on this achievement.


The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




The Authority approves the receipt of a Department for Transport grant for up to £260,000 from Derbyshire County Council to further support cycling in the National Park, and also approves the spending of this funding, as outlined in paragraph 4 of the report.



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